curating  collaborations  bio  works & projects  news and current projects Speak Up! no 1
fællesskab genfortælling og genforhandling  / community - retelling and renegotiating

distributed in public spaces and through the participants network -private as well as proffesionally. The magazine was also distributed in their local neighbourhood in the urban spaces

Made in collaboration with a number women with different ethnic, cultural, proffesional, religious, geographical background - all active in social, cultural and political issues in current society

Image: release in Denmark 2006 Speak Up! no 1  
work and editor group: Uzma Achmed Andresen, Tanja Nellemann & Grete Aagaard

Amal Wahab 			
I want my cake and eat it! / Jeg vil ha´  i pose og sekk! 

Rikke Andreassen, Behice Gskdemir and Rikke Andreassen, Ambara Hashi Nur 
Asha Qadar Hassan and Ambara Hashi Nur, America Vera-Zavala, Schuster Gindin,
Jasmina Ben ari, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Wibeke Haldrup Pedersen, Filominita Mongaya Høgsholm 
Uzma Ahmed Andresen, Mumtaz Khan, Barbara Katzin, Tanja Nellemann & Grete Aagaard		

WELCOME to speak up issue no 1
community - retelling and renegotiating
- Is it possible to find new ways of handling a paradox that on one hand
consists of living as a fellow citizen in a society basing itself on the idea
of community and equality and which, on the other hand, recognises
cultural differences with the dilemmas and compromises that these entail?
How do we get to the point where we can obtain a positive view on the
possibility and the challenge of an open community that bases itself
on diversity and acceptance of both (dis)agreement and non-identical
Perhaps the community should be retold and renegotiated amongst us?
Speak Up Magazine info Speak Up Magazine info  Speak Up no 1  Speak Up no 2