grete aagaard ::: works & projects
grete aagaard ::: works & projects
Research - action, video, sound and text productions:
local ‘commitment’, ‘state of belonging’ and visions.
Projektet NEIGHBOURHOOD REMARKS - tager udgangspunkt I den aktuelle geografiske, lokale, social og politiske kontekst og består af video og tekstproduktioner omhandlende ‘lokal’ engagement, tilhørsforhold , opråb og udsyn.
Som mange af mine projekter er dette interdisciplinært og samarbejdsbaseret. Generelt søger jeg at skabe værker og platforme, som åbner for et mere mangfoldigt udtryk og give mulighed for at ytre sig på egne og andre præmisser end det de gængse ‘offentligheder’, medier og begrænsede offentlige åbne rum kan tilbyde. Hvem har definitionsretten og muligheden? Hvem tager sig plads og hvem får plads? Og hvordan?
Nowy Port zyje, Gdansk Polen, 2014-2015,
Notas del barrio - La Merced, Centro Historico, Mexico City 2010-2012,
Convicciones - Quito, Simiatug, Guamote Ecuador 2012
Dont forget... Beyoğlu Istanbul, Tyrkiet 2009 og 2015,
Uunt Chiwias, Macas, Ecuador 2008, El Recreo, Quito, EC 2008,
Through app. 50 years the three 70-75 year old brothers have run the barber shop ‘peluqeria i perfumeria’ in the neighbourhood El Recreo, Quito. ‘peluqeria i perfumeria’ is a shop which – next to offer the service of cutting hair and barbering for the different men in the area - also exhibit political posters, statements and objects from all over the world.
Research - projekt under viderebearbejdning / project in progress -
Video, meetings and interviews w. Human Rights activists: Saturday Mothers
DON’T FORGET - DON’T FORGIVE. Despite sevire upbeating by the police force in the 1990 the group of mothers, daughters, wives started all over again performing their silent weekly meetings/demonstrations pointing out the importance of remembering the killings and dissappearings of kurdish men in Turkey. As a performance and a concious use of the media they target the public.
Images: saturday action!, Istanbul
DON’T - FORGET - DON’T ............ FORGIVE ? Beyoğlu Istanbul 2010 / 2015
Video stills: Speed hump?/Por qué no hay rompevelocidades? Macas,EC 08
Graphic work/post cards and the dvd - for use in the schools and distribution in in the local context.
Video 5 min. + graphic works
Presented in the TV network of MoronaSantiago, EC. 2008. The film + educational material are for free use at the local school in Uunt Chiwias/San Juan Bosco.
The film + article (Vejbump) is distributed in Denmark through the magazine ‘Tidsskrift for børne-og ungdomskultur, march 2009
El recreo, quito 2008